
Steam API example

  • First a path to steam library file. This library should be provided with your game. Library for various OS (libsteam_api.so or steam_api.dll or libsteam_api.dylib) is distributed with Steam SDK available for Steam partners at https://partner.steamgames.com/
  • Second. Your need to know application (game) identifier provided by Steam. Pass it as a parameter or put steam_appid.txt file with that ID in your game folder.

Now you’re ready to begin. API initialization is easy:

from steampak import SteamApi  # Main API entry point.

LIBRARY_PATH = '/home/me/my_steam_game/libsteam_api.so'
APP_ID = 480  # We use `Spacewar` ID. (This game is provided with SDK).

api = SteamApi(LIBRARY_PATH, app_id=APP_ID)

After that you can access various API parts as api object attributes:

# Let's print some friend names:
for user in api.friends():

# Print out some info from utils:

# Achievements progress:
for ach_name, ach in api.apps.current.achievements():
    print('%s (%s): %s' % (ach.title, ach_name, ach.get_unlock_info()))

# Installed applications titles:
for app_id, app in api.apps.installed():
    print('%s: %s' % (app_id, app.name))

When you’re done, do not forget to shutdown API:

# Do not forget to shutdown when done:

Command line interface example

; Get prices and simple analysis for Half-Life 2 cards.
$ steampak app 220 get_card_prices --currency USD

; Get `Gordon Freeman` card price.
$ steampak market item 220 "Gordon Freeman" get_price --currency GBP

; Get games owned by `idlesign`.
$ steampak user idlesign get_games

Use --help command option to get more information on available commands.